Welcome to A.L.'s Portfolio

[Text ID: the background is a pale, dusty blue. In place of a header is an "internet bumper sticker" which reads: PLEASE NOTE: Some Quantum Physics Theories suggest that when the user is not directly observing this Website, it may cease to exist or will exist only in a vague and undetermined state. End ID.]

[Text ID: the main container of this page is a sort of beige color, and shows a picture of webhost Allen Leslie Marin Lindholm. The picture is mostly dark, with the exception of Lindholm's pale white smiling face in the relative center. He's wearing round, slightly squared glasses. His smile makes his eyes appear more closed than open, and he was multiple shadows or dimples along his chin and cheeks. He's wearing a black t-shirt sporting a vague mass of white and grey clouds, and has a muted green flannel hanging loosely off his left shoulder. End ID.]

This is the web portfolio of Allen Leslie Marin Lindholm. I'm a sucker for static, hand-made weblogs reminiscent of the d.i.y. days before four social media platforms dominated the internet, and this is surely reflective of that. I'm a mild-mannered queer Jewish southerner with fascinations related to archives, radio, journalism, literature, philosophy, photography, writing, designing, and observing. Standing at age nineteen (as of March 7, 2023), I've lived in three states, five towns, and over eleven different homes, shacks, not-so-spare-bedrooms, and apartments. Whatever I'm doing or wherever I am, I ride with a 2008 Nikon Coolpix s550.
Currently located in southwest Florida and looking to leave.

[Text ID: there is a slanted box off to the left of the main container. It's a slightly different beige, and holds a link directory. End ID.]

Table of contents...
Writing samples

[Text ID: There is a stamp with a black background and slanted white text reading "trans people have been here since the beginning." End ID.]

End A.L.'s index page. Click here to return to the original homepage.